The Roots of Hope : World of Peace (English)
Humans live with hope.
Hope is the purest result that every human being has as long as he lives. Hope
for a peaceful life, hope for
success, hope for longer life, hope for their child, and so on.
Hope is the root of
the existence of a belief. Starting from BC, civilizations such as the Aztecs
or Ancient Egyptians, lived with the belief in gods that gave them salvation and
prosperity. Then, is hope a cause of trust, or the trust itself are the product
that made because people are looking for hope?
and religions are the hopes of humans who give them identities. Identity to
achieve better expectations according to them. Identity ultimately creates a
boundary against other humans. Politics, Territories and the State is only a
product of identity by human inner expectations.
will the right hope have limits? does the right hope have an identity?
Architecture is one of the products of identity, how the role of architecture as a physical object is received in plain view to make people aware of identity. Identity builds boundaries, limits on building territories, territories for developing countries, and developing political countries.
What happens if all these things merge? no identity, no territory, no country, and no politics. One thing that remains is that we believe that humans always need a hope as long as they live on earth.
Can Hope provide better products for all humans?
Bringing back the original story of human creation, God gave a purpose to humans as long
as they lived on earth, that is, give birth to children and multiply fill the
earth and conquer it. Control over all animals on earth.
What if thats the
only thing for us to know while living the earth ?
What if humans have the same hope, the same purpose in life? Is territory still needed? Is a country needed? Is identity still needed?
The concept is an understanding for us to build a fictional story, not as an answer but as an alternative to the reality that has been built now.
A world that excludes the country, territory, politics, customs, and religion after the five things already existed and have become evident.
The earth is getting worse and worse with the existence of Global Warming, Environmental Pollution, worsening climate, the human ego of identity is one of the core problems of the earth which is getting worse. Humans who unite to save the earth, for the future of their children and grandchildren, are things that might be built as a new 'hope' for humans to live on earth.
CHAPTER 1: WHAT IS HOPE? Humans must be aware of what hope is! , how to make a product that is better than an expectation. Hope lives in every human heart, comes out with different products, and produces different responses. Territory, State, Politics, Customs, and Religion are only products of hope that create an identity that limits human contact with other human beings. The whole world must unite to solve the same problem, to achieve the same goal, with the same hope.
The new hope that is built is the result of the union of human desires for
the future, namely a sense of peace. Peace is not something that is awakened
instantly. Peace is a feeling that is awakened because of a series of
experiences that form a feeling, to achieve what is called a sense of peace.
Peace occurs because of the sense of Happiness, Gratitude, Equality, and
Freedom. Each taste also has a series of experiences to achieve that taste.
Experience is built on something that already exists, but with a unifying goal,
namely to achieve a sense of peace.
In the end, an activity program was created as a series of experiences to
achieve a sense of Happiness, Gratitude, Equality and Freedom. However, the
program of activities cannot be achieved only on a small scale and with few
parties, so that the involvement of all countries is needed, the unity of all
countries to achieve this.
To achieve a sense of peace requires experience in undergoing an
activity to create a sense that arises naturally from human beings. Back to the
starting point where hope is a desire to achieve something that will come
naturally from within humans. The four feelings are composed of activities that
are familiar to humans with the hope that people who carry out these activities
can achieve feelings that are close to feelings of peace.
These feelings are
Happiness, Gratitude, Equality, and Freedom. To bring up these feelings we can
return to the most fundamental point for humans to stay alive, that is ...
Eating Activity Humans need to eat as long as they live without realizing there
is a long process from a food that reaches the buyer for consumption. Planting,
maintaining, caring for food in the form of raw made. Delivery of food to third
parties for sale.
Food processing by the cook until it becomes ready food,
until it reaches the place of the buyer who wants to eat the food. Knowing the
long chain of how food is made, processed, delivered, cooked, gives more
meaning and meaning than just food. From each of these activities can convey
feelings that form a peace, by observing and participating in activities
producing a food.
In the process of procuring food, the first
part is planting to be harvested by humans. In the process of maintaining
plants to eat, there is a 'Greater Power' which makes plants grow well. Humans
are able to do something to make plants grow, but can not choose these plants
will grow in what way and in what way.
This process creates a sense of submission
by humans after humans do their best, there are other aspects that will affect
the results of their work.
Give thanks for something that works well
by realizing that humans have the limitations of what they do and the touch of
'Greater Power' that makes things happen as they should.
Humans learn to be grateful for what they
have and with what they can to finally be able to feel peace.
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In the process of making food, there is
also a process of sending raw goods to buyers. The shipping process is
influenced by the time when the food is ready for harvest, until it is ready to
be delivered, and with the right time to arrive at the buyer. From the process
of waiting for the plants to be ready for harvest and finally being delivered,
there is a feeling of freedom. Freedom from the activities carried out, which
then deliver the food.
This process creates a feeling of
responsible freedom. Freedom obtained after carrying out activities, but based
on responsibilities that remain valid.
Humans learn to use freedom properly and
the responsibility that is in it to finally be able to feel peace.
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In the process of making food, there is a process
of cooking or processing food, from raw to prepared food. The process of
cooking requires time and energy done by someone as a process of producing
something good for others. From that process, there is a feeling of similarity
in the thing intended. Cookers do not choose the food will be shown to certain
parties, but the focus is more on how he can always give the unattended without
looking at the fur.
This process creates a feeling of sacrifice that is the
same for every human being regardless of background, physical, religious, etc.
Do something to the maximum for anyone who needs it. Humans learn to do things
as well as possible for others, regardless of their background, to finally be
able to feel peace.
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In the process of processing food, it ends with
enjoying the meaning. Food that has been processed reaches the final goal in
front of humans who buy and want to enjoy it, both for physical fulfillment or
as a pleasure.
This process gives rise to a feeling of excitement about
something that is awaited and it has gone well to the end point. Humans learn
to be happy, to feel pleasure from something that has already been completed.
Feeling a pleasure that is the result of a long process, to finally be able to
feel peace. The series of experiences was carried out to be able to achieve the
feeling of peace that is created in reaching HOPE made. The hope of a human
being lives because of the feeling of peace within himself.
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Architecture acts as an identity and
boundary between humans and other humans.
Architecture as a result of human
discomfort with other humans. Then, how is the current architecture? when
humans feel at peace?
Architecture as identity no longer matters
in this narrative.
Architecture is no longer a language of
identity to make boundaries with others.
Architecture is something neutral, with the
language understood by every human being in the world.
Everyday Things
Humans receive a glass as a glass, a bowl
as a bowl, a place for tea as a place for tea. They can accept something that
is commonly seen, and understood by all humans.
Buildings no longer need to act as an
identity that represents their country
Buildings do not need to act as identities
that represent religion
Buildings no longer need to act as
identities that represent territory
Building as a language that can be
understood and understood by humans.
Perhaps, only that is the role of
Architecture when all identities, ideologies, religions, and countries merge.
To achieve a new hope.
As a building.
The Roots of Hope : World of Peace
1st Winner Best Visual Archproject Architecture Competition
Collaborating with Birgita and Bijak